Wednesday 9 November 2016

Matthew Song #1

"Today the tyrant doesnt rule by club or fist, but disguised as a market researcher, he shepherds his flocks in the ways of utility and comfort."-Marshall Mcluhan

The media is a source in which everyone uses nowadays to connect with people and see what other people are doing. Every video, photo, and post that you view, it shows what you're interested in on the internet and there are people out there who use this data to hand select what they want on their website or social networking sites(SNS). The market resarchers are defined as "tyrants" of the social media network because they control what goes on an off of the internet. For example from a young age you would ask you're parents whats right or wrong and they would tell you what they want their kids to act like (be nice, eat you're vegies, etc.) They tell you whats right and wrong, and thats similar to what the internet is today.

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