Monday 7 November 2016

Medium is message!??!!!!

What do you mean by Medium is Message ?!

Message? Mess age? Massage? Mass age?


  • Before 1800s: Hieroglyphics are created in Egypt. First newspaper in Europe is made.
  • 1876s: Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
  • 1932s: Walt Disney creates the first full color movie.
  • 1940s: Audiotape is developed in Germany
  • 1960s: FM radio invented
  • 1970s: Email and cable TV is developed.
  • 2000s: cell phones are invented
  • Till now: Cell phones to Smart phones to social apps (Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram……)             

Message has been less important than the particular medium through which people communicate. Technology changes us, changes society, family, work and leisure. Media controls man’s association and action.
Humans are supreme organisms, we created tools to help us sense the world better. Tools are the extensions of human like our limbs, organs, they are essential to how we live.
Social media is a type of tool that we use to connect the society.
This relates to “Global village”
Then what is global village?

When we were still in stone age, we stayed in the cave and it is our world.
When we learned to tame horses, we can associate community that is far from us.
When we had boats, we travel around and record the sights we see then landed to a new place.
When we had airplanes, we can travel from one side of the earth to another side just in a day.

These are all bullsh**…… what a freak is still riding a horse to see your relatives in another city.
When we have social media, these transportations are nothing. These mediums are slower, inefficient.

When we are wondering what is happening in Asia these days, OPEN YOUR TELEVISION!!

When we are wondering where is our friends doing? TEXT THEM ON MESSENGER!!

When we are wondering the traffic on the way to school in your car? OPEN THE RADIO!!

When we are waiting so inpatient in the school for your parents to pick us up? CALL THEM!!

When we are so lazy to find a boyfriend? DOWNLOAD A DATING APP!!

This is global village, it is not just about transportations will bring us convenience to the connection of the world but technology is the new era for global village.

social media nowdays: (Chinese Wang Hong----celebrity on social media)

wang hong in Chinese means young, good looking celebrity on social media. They have huge amount of followers on Instagram, weibo. They post their selfies in order to get attention from people. But behind them is totally different from what we see just base on the picture.

Social fame on internet with business industry!!! (medium like technology is change it is not only just for convenience but also an investment business line) It is the extension of ourselves, we are no longer just spreading the information through the medium, the purpose of message distorted.

Medium is the message, but message is not medium. The message we need to transfer is no longer the important factor we focus on, instead the way we use to transfer information around get us attentions.

1 comment:

  1. Some interesting thoughts, though it is difficult to follow your arguments in list/picture form. Your connection to medium and modern fame is particularly intriguing and unique.
