Tuesday 8 November 2016

Uncovering The Masks of Modern Media

All media exist to invest our lives with artificial perceptions and arbitrary values.
        We invested so much time into social media in the modern society, yet they offered the "most" artificial information that has been processed (including this...sadly). 
          It is probably not a good idea to invest so much time into the media since all the information you get might not be completely true. 


                                   The False Sense
           Yes, media makes our life a "tad" bit easier, but the pain of knowing that information you "researched" is completely false breaks your heart.
          Think about this, at a chilly winter night, you are doing some important research on science 2 hours later you finished the research only to discover that you make a critical mistake on that particular paper the next day during school after you have already HANDED IT IN. Media gives you what I call the "false" sense of completion. You might feel like your paper is perfect because internet said so (generated by the media-----artificial perception), but there is also chances that internet might be wrong. People designed internet, THEY MAKE MISTAKES JUST LIKE THE REST OF US.
                                                      "Arbitrary Info"
           Tons of sites that provide wide variety of information is solely based on a person's thought without any further reasoning. Some information is relevant, but not absolute. We have invested our time into something that is just an "opinion"; what people deemed to be relevant on the internet. To be honest, after I finish typing this sentence I kind of feel like books are better than everything on the internet. At least they are "printed" not some kind of texts that people randomly typed on a computer screen. (For all I know they could be propaganda from the government that wants us to do what they want.) Am I right?

It turns out that Marshall McLuhan was right... hmm who would thought a guy from the 60s or the 70s (I really don't know when) was right about the situation of the modern media. Who would've thought of that?



  1. I agree with you that the internet has the power to change what we perceive as correct; however, it is up to you to research even more to try to see if it can be supported by other strong evidence or a reliable source.

  2. Totally agree with you. I have the same topic but I didn't think about the printed resources(books) are more reliable than internet.
