Friday 16 December 2016



slacktivist : anyone who does something in support of an issue or cause that requires minimal personal effort

Just by reading the definition of this term, you would think that slacktivism is a negative form of support, but I disagree. 

I think that slacktivism is a great thing. It's such a great and easy way of spreading awareness of issues, and showing support for a good cause. Anyone is able to participate regardless of what part of the world that they are in. 

Some argue that slacktivism has no effect on the cause, but I disagree. Although #campaigns that are solely based off the online domain may not have a huge direct impact, it raises awareness, it informs the masses and it can become a catalyst for a bigger movement. 



I think this campaign is a great example of slacktivism. 
#heforshe is a campaign that was created by the women of the UN to promote gender equality.
People are asked to use the # on various social media websites such as instagram, Facebook and Twitter to show their support. They can also sign up to be a part of their website and show support that way.

Although there are not very big physical risks or work being but in, it raises awareness of the inequalities between men and women.

Facebook has also been used by Emma Watson, to gain attention and spread the message. 


activism is a high risk, vigorous campaigning strategy.

It often involves physical work and interactions, risk, and possible violence. Something more than just a few clicks of some buttons. 


I think this is a good example of a campaign that is both activism and slacktivism.
You could show your support by sharing a video of yourself dumping a bucket of ice water on your head, and also by donating through their website.

This required you to actually go outside and dump the bucket of freezing water, but it also only requires you to push some buttons.

The money raised from this allowed them to conduct further research on this disease, and it enabled them to find a possible cause of this disease.


why #? 

social media is the perfect platform for slacktivists and raising awareness. we are not able to get on a a plane and go solve every problem in the world, but social media essentially lets us do so. 

You are able to create a conversation that could potentially inspire others to do something to change the world. You can become involved without actually being involved, and the use of short, simple words makes it easier to understand the cause, and essentially create a trend out of it like the ALS icebucket challenge. 

I am proud to say, that I stand with #heforshe. 

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