Friday 16 December 2016

Yes internet or no internet?

Is this the right path to continue human evolution??

WE talk to people on the internet like friends, family, strangers, professionals, haters, supporters through many social media plate forms. We love communication through these mediums knowing the consequence- the bad side of the internet. 
Many experts believe that internet is worsening our communication skill in real like, we are losing the motivation to talk and internet with people physically and in fact, they are true. We forgot the beauty of going outside, connect, and talk to people. Now we are all couch potatoes, or a person who has screen addiction who prefer to stay home all the time. 
You know who i'm talking about. I'm talking about you. YES,YOU! 
I personally disagree that the internet is improving human communication in a positive way. 

1. Lost the structure of proper English
 (something all teachers fear) 
The way people talk and write are influenced by the internet. We use "u r" instead of "you are"; use "b4" instead of "before; use "brb" instead of "be right back." 
I had personal experience with writing "internet English" on a formal essay in school. Sad story.. 
There was one time when I was writing an in-class English essay before my lunch break. On the paper, I automatically wrote "u r" instead of "you are" on an academic essay. ON AN ACADEMIC ESSAY. I released as I continue writing my essay, and changed it before I handed in. I was shocked and disappointed in myself although I knew I was in a rush and wrote down the first thing that popped out in my mind. I noticed that I had been spending my time on the internet and use the "internet English" to communicate with multiple people, it was scary. After this incident, I started spelling properly as I communicate to friends online and now, I never struggled to go through my writing and see "u" or "r" on my paper. 
Although I changed, but there are still people, somewhere out there, like the past me who writes as if they are online. 
*dramatic music playing*

2. False information/ bias information online: 
Just don't believe them, it's nice to know general information but...
On the internet, anyone and everyone has the freedom to share their opinion on a specific idea incident. However, to what extend are the facts and explanations fake? 
Of course, having access to multiple perceptive from others through the internet are sometimes nice but most of them are bias and fake 
They just want $$$ and more readers= more money. 

Some people kinda just ignore the original purpose of posting online- sharing individual point of view. What do they do instead? They started posting to criticize them instead of mentioning the original purpose of them. The readers are attracted to them, think they're funny and entertaining. Then  they will start sharing it to friends and discuss about it. 
HOWEVER, some people struggle to filter out the fake information in them which is making it difficult for them to believe the things they're reading. 

 "My whole life had been a lie!?!" 

People discuss about the bias news articles, and posts, but they're basically making fallible argument where both sides are just wrong...
Wasting time? Yeah, pretty much. 
BUT, these arguments on the internet about useless topics are certainly entertaining to watch. 
And these posts and articles on Facebook are most likely to be RUMORS, DRAMAS, CRITICIZING of some sort to grab readers' attention. 
Do you want to prevent these consequences, leading your existence on the internet to no where?
Well, too bad there are no other solution to prevent that since we don't have any sort of government of internet to guard us- which is basically impossible. There, you don't, you live with it. Live within the ring of fire. 
Just like this dog, he represents all of us 
That escalated fast... 
Do you think reading articles that are bias or false will help us with human communication in a positive way? 

3. Why can't we just appreciate the time we spend with everyone? 
Do you remember that moment when you are "hanging out" with friends or family but all of them were on their personal electric device? Oh yeah, multiple times right? 
The internet is missing the component of emotions, and everything else!? I honestly don't know how to explain it, but it's SAD
Everyone is sitting right beside each other and yet, they are I S O L A T E D  by the "wall of internet." They spend effort and time to make this "hang out" to work and all they do is talking to you through something else when you are literally right in front of them?? 
Using your electronic devices to communicate with family and friends who are far away are fine, it makes you feel like you are still connected by some sort of line..? But, when you spend too much time on the internet and are missing out everything else happening around you then you should reconsider your usage of internet. Put them down and talk to people in front of you. 

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