Monday 21 November 2016

Are we using the internet or is the initernet using us?

    Have you ever heard anyone say that we are being used by the internet, and the internet is invading our privacy? Certainly those people who are saying it and making some sort of statements are not wrong, but in general, are we the ones using the internet or is the internet using us?

What are the benefits to us?

    First let's look at TED Talks, TED is an American set of conferences run by the private non-profit organization Sapling Foundation, under the slogan "Ideas Worth Spreading". Basically, TED Talks are tons of free speeches and presentations presented by all kinds of scientists, psychologists, politicians, veterans, non-benefit organizations such as red cross and other people who have contributed to this society. We can pick the ones we are interested in and just watch it for free, simple and efficient. There are no commercials during the talks, and also you don't need to worry about your privacy at all!

Image result for ted talks

Humans created and still controlling the internet today
    No matter how dangerous or fantasy the internet is, it's still created and still controlling by human beings. It's not the internet using us, it's the people who use the internet to benefit themselves from the public. Those people do the same thing through TV, newspaper, propaganda and even though schools. So in a matter of fact, it's still humans using the internet instead of being used.

Internet makes life easier

    As a loyal soccer fan, there's nothing else pissing me off more than when I am not able to watch my favourite team playing. However, before the internet was invented, there were only two ways to access to a soccer game, go to the stadium or hope the game will be on TV. However, not every game can be live streamed on TV, they only pick a couple games during the entire season. But after the internet existed, we can watch any live games through the internet.
    Also, as the internet being invented, we can play video games with other players from different places, even different continents.
    Another advantage is we can search up data through database, instead of going to a library for an entire day, we can just stay home and find out the sources on an Ipad. And we can search up almost everything on google, text people aboard instantly, which bring the world closer and more united.

Image result for ramsey

    Personally, I do believe we can get more benefits on the internet as long as we use it with a positive attitude and purpose. And yes, I also believe that we are the ones who are actually using the internet and mostly we are not the ones being used.


  1. As someone who has a different opinion than you do, it was really interesting to read your point of view. I loved how you incorporated a personal aspect (soccer) to create a stronger argument. Nice blog!

  2. Although I have a different point of view with you, but I agree with what you've said because internet does make your life easier and more convenient. There are also many friendly platforms that is designed to help other people.
