Monday 21 November 2016

Matthew Song#2

Image result for are we using the internet or is the internet using usNow a lot of the people think "Oh, it says I'm safe to put this on my facebook so I'll do it." But little do they know, that they are WRONG.                                                                       The internet is an unlimited network where almost everyone posts stuff they do wherever and whenever. 

What happens to the things that go on the internet?
         Well, lets use facebook as an example. Lets say that my group of friends and I were at a party and we decided to upload a picture of someone that was passed out on the ground. That photo will stay there forever. My friend told me that the pictures you upload onto facebook are free to use by facebook to sell or do anything with it until everyone whos shared, liked or commented on the post deleted it and you also delete that picture off your wall. Now if you imagine that, thats a lot of work and I'm pretty sure nobody would want to do that.

Who owns the internet?
         We all know theres some guy sitting in an office chair with lots of money making even more money off of us. Well that dude has lots of people who search for people's information online and sells them to the people who want to know about our interests and what we do. Those people are called market researchers. They take your information and sell it to the companies that use that information to make ads and other videos that suit your interests. That's how they make all the money.

Using or being used?
        In all honesty, I think that the internet uses us. But it all depends how people see it for example, you could see it as the rich dude in the office is using the internet to make money, like I mentioned above, or you could see it as just average middle class people being used for the rich people to get even more rich. I think that most the people using social media is in the middle class so I believe we are being used rather than using.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting points and I liked how you used several examples. Maybe include more pictures..?
