Monday 21 November 2016

Blog#2 Are We Puppets Of The Internet?

"Puppet Theory"
 If people are controling by the internet, then whose the marionettes under the veils.
 Scrutinizing into your daily checking apps, there are hundreds and thousands of platforms and coporations that constructed the entire internet world. They are the one constantly pumping out attractive advertisements, and make your mind lingering on timelessly browsing internet. Moreover, human are easily being influenced by their enviroment. In another words, the internet has the power of gorvernance. The question is do we get to choose how we use it in terms of a inernet  democracy system.
 First question: Can we get away from it?
It is obvious that young people in nowsdays are caring more about their social life on the internet instead of in real life. Their personal egos are being used, because they thought they have found another way to express themselves.

Online shopping has became the domiant consuming market in many places, people tend to spend less time online than go to a physical store. However, the companies certainly know more, that they are using this human laziness pyschology into practically investment on more advance and innovative technology. I mean it, who doesn't want a new iphone-7? Not just about using your attention on curious even greed, they want to customize eveything to make anything could possible trigger people's eager to materialism.

QUESTION 2:What do we do with it? To win back democracy.
Optimitically saying that, people need to react on global issues, that is, spreading out intimidating issues we need to solve as a world village BY USING THE TECHONOLGY.
Internet can eradicate extreme poverty
 "When communities are connected, we can lift them out of poverty, We can and must do more."--Mark Zuckerberg
Check out the link above, look up on how internet can slove one of the biggest challenge in UN Millennium development goals.

Digitized information has been helping people organize and store a huge amount of knowledge and stimulate to spread out education around the world. In 2013 Explorer report, 670000 people, which is 45% of the wolrd students are taking part of the online courses. In the furture, more and more people will have a better oppturnity on employment.

Personally I think internet brought me the gift of reading in convenience.
Now I can read at anytime and anywhere
Acessing to thousands of books in one handy device.
Check out "kindle" video---the invention of E-books

  “puppet quote”的图片搜索结果

Are we using the internet or is the internet using us?
(Click this link access to my detailed evidences)


  1. I like how you connect to the puppet theory (the connection of internet democracy), and the data you showed in the blog.

  2. I kind of feel the addiction is not completely because of the internet ... we also have response to this . Because we decided to use it without personal management.
