Sunday 20 November 2016

BLOG 2 Are we using the Internet, or is the Internet using us?

Let me ask you a few questions first:

# Do you use Internet?
# How do you use Internet?
# Do you use Internet very often?
... ...
# Can you live without the Internet?

Is this you?

Is this you?

Is this you?

... ...
To be honest, this is me.

Let me ask you again: Can you live without the Internet?
Face your heart, everybody.
And Just admit the TRUTH: You CANNOT live without the Internet.

So base on the truth, let's talk about our topic, "Is the Internet using us or we are using the Internet?"

To those of whom believe that "Internet is not using us":
⬇ All the info on the Internet are under control (it does not matter who control the Internet, because you are not the one for sure).
⬇ You gain negative info from the Internet, which are the info that you are not able to receive if you are not using the Internet.
⬇ Internet can motivate the dark side of one's heart.
⬇ Internet have "magic", it makes you obsessed with it.

And to those of whom believe that "We are not using the Internet":
⬆ You can find more friends on the Internet, and they have the same hobbit as you.
⬆ Internet is so convenient for communication. For me, an International student, I use the Internet to chat with my parents and my friends so easily, and they are all in China (The only thing that prevent me from chatting with them is the time zone #IHATETIMEZONE).
⬆ Online shopping is saving my life because I am too lazy to go out! You can buy anything with the Internet!
⬆ You can find different things to learn on the internet, and they are mostly free.

Do you think my answer to the question is "both"?

I personally likes the Internet very much. Though it may has a few negative affect on us, but the positive impacts that it brings us are more. 

Maybe someone is controlling the results when I searched on Google, based on my past research habits.
- But, does that mean I can get the results that I want easier?

Maybe Internet makes you obsessed with it, and you surf the Internet and do nothing everyday.
- But, this is your problem, not Internet's problem. This is just a tool. You are the one who can not control you self. If there are no internet, you will be obsessed with novels, movies, buying things instead. You will waste your time anyway.

Maybe the Internet brings you the negative information.
- But, you have to know that there isn't only the positive things, but also something really bad. Knowing the world is not perfect is a part of growing up. But you have to be careful that you are not affected.

So here is my answer to the question:
We are using the Internet.

- Be better yourself and use the Internet efficiently.
- My blendspace:

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