Monday 21 November 2016

Are we using the Internet, or is the Internet using us?

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Happy life = convenience?

Most people want to live a life that makes them happy. To live a happy life, there are components that each person wants to have. In my case, one of the component of 'happy life' was 'convenience', and in the category of convenience, not doing housework was included. I was not used to do such things, so I dreamed that someone, or something(?) do housework instead of me doing it. In this reason, the concept of 'smart homes' attracted me.

Even Barbie has a smart home!
Smart home is a home equipped with lighting, heating, and electronic devices that can be controlled remotely by phone or computer(defined by Google). As people pursue convenient life, smart home has been developed and the number of people living in the smart home has been increased. When you get back home from work or school or wherever you were, your home can be set as you want, regarding brightness of light and temperature of the house, even though there was no one in your house. It is managed by the Internet. Internet connect every device in the home, such as a heater and lights. It gives much more easy access to home control.

HOWEVER, on the other hand, since the system is run by Internet, there is a risk of being hacked. As Kashmir Hill, a Forbes staff, wrote on Forbes website, a list of 'smart homes' and their owners could be easily found by googling. Even though she is not a hacker, she could have access to all the devices in the smart homes. It shows that Internet has made our life easier, but it also made us to be more dangerous.

You can read more about how Kashmir Hill could hack the smart homes.

"Hackers Love the Internet of Things Because Security Doesn't Sell Action Figures." Inverse. Dylan Love, 11 Jan. 2016. Web. 22 Nov. 2016.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with how the internet makes everything more convenient-- after all, this was why the internet was created. Whether or not we incorporate this convenience all depends on how paranoid one is concerning risk and reward. But is the internet gradually becoming more of a risk than a reward?
