Tuesday 22 November 2016

Are We Using the Internet or Is the Internet Using Us

Are We Using the Internet or Is the Internet Using Us

The Internet is filled with information these days and most of them are usually advertisements. You might think that you are completely in control of your devices and your multiple internet accounts including social media.

We are using the internet

People thinks that we use the internet more than the internet using them. They usually have three reasons: it is beneficial because it helps to research things easier, it helps to communicate with each other, and way more options when you are seeking for entertainment such as gaming, watching a video online, etc.

The Internet is using us

These people think that we don't have any control over the cyberspace whatsoever - they think the false sense of control is an illusion made by the corporations. They think this way because of other three reasons and more such as biased media, advertisements (marketing), and easily accessible personal information.

I belong in the "the internet is using us" side of the spectrum because I know that whatever I put on the web, it is never coming down. And I just can't ignore the possibilities of that private information I have uploaded getting used for someone else's benefit or profit. However, the internet is a very resourceful whether it is a bad thing or good thing for you - it depends on the user. How about you - do you think you have control over your choices you make on the internet?


  1. I also think that we do not have control over ourselves in the internet since all those multi billion companies has control over it and want to make profit at the same time. They will use any chances they have to take our money via ads and app purchases.

  2. I think that those who post things on the internet know the risks. We have control over what we post, and if we choose to put things on the internet, we know that it could go anywhere. So why not just put your best self forward?

  3. Not only because of the security problem, internet makes us to spend more time on using the internet. With various pictures and advertisement, internet attracts us to do internet, but gain nothing. I think this is why we can say the internet is using us.

  4. Not a fan of the title and then the same text underneath it. Good way to end of with a make-you-think question to engage reader at the end. I think you set yourself up for a perfect intro if you included a question at the end saying "but are you really???" to leave your readers in suspense and engage them from the beginning. Other than that great work Louis and a really enjoy the pics, Love Troy :*
