Tuesday 22 November 2016

Blog #2 Are we using the internet, or is the internet using us?

What is my position?

Look at the web site I linked:


Is it helpful for you to decide your position? Do you have any problems with this web site to take your position? So do I.

Ok, let me break it down.

  •  Using internet intersects with developing technology 
        Huge desktop-portable laptop-tablet pc-smart phone
  • Developing technology leads extension of IT industry

       More jobs-increase of employment

Here is  something interesting:
Justin Bieber uploaded his performance on Youtube. Scooter Braun saw him singing on the street from Youtube and contacted him. So what happened next?
Justin Bieber became a super star.

Ok... I feel like my point of view is getting narrower to positive impact of internet. I know negative impact still prevents me from raising a  positive hand high though, LOL.

For me, I can't imagine my life without internet.
I do my homework, research data or information for  my project, keep in touch with my dad, update my personal profile or even my emotion, plan my career, find some recipe for my diet, ask questions, answer to the questions, learn some Pilates postures, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera...whew..... never end the list!

Now, I can say, " I am definitely using the internet".



  1. It was really interesting to read your side of the argument, and I can see where you're coming from. I am also someone that uses the internet for a lot of things so I totally feel you when you say that you can't imagine your life without the internet. For you, what do you think would be different about you if internet was non-exsistant?

  2. Nice. I can relate cause I use my devices a lot to do whatever I need to do

  3. Nice. I can relate cause I use my devices a lot to do whatever I need to do
