Tuesday 22 November 2016

Are we being used? (Blog #2) (David Matson)


Depending on what you do on the internet, you may be being used by it. There are many ways the internet can be used, most of which involve you being used by the internet to various extents. Everything you do on the internet leaves a footprint, which could potentially be traced back to you.
 Image result for digital footprint
Every time we give out information on the internet, we are being used. The multinational corporations who control the internet often collect your personal information for their profit. Using sites such as gofundme, and online ordering, which many people probably consider as us using the internet, you are giving payment information out over the internet, which the site says is safe, but who really knows? Your credit card information could be being stored by a company, waiting to be used.

Every time you post something on social media, it is stored forever, even if you later delete the post.

Try to consider these  things as you continue to use the internet. How much are you being used?


  1. In my opinion, your comment about social media applies to people with no or little self-control. Why would you post something on the internet that risks backlash if you know it's going to be permanently there?

  2. Very evident to which side that you're on which is good! The ending is a strong statement to end off with especially with that question. I also support the points that you are making but I tend to not care as much about this. You could potentially give your thoughts to why people continue to post stupid comments or valuable and exposable information on the internet. Keep up the good work David!
