Wednesday 23 November 2016


With the rapid development of science and technology, the internet has become an important part of an individual, an enterprise and a nation's existing in the 21st century. The Internet has stepped into our modern life as an unbelievable speed.More and more people are enjoying the convenience and efficiency that internet gives to us.

⧫You may saw people doing this in your daily life

⧫And then they may start doing this

⧫Then they MAY become like THIS !

We cannot account that how many times WE USE THE  INTERNET in a day. And we are using it to do a lot of things. 

    For me as an example, I remember five years ago my best friend went to New Zealand with her family. And I was in China that time. 9300 kilometer and fifteen hours flight. I could not imagine how far it was between us. But fortunately, we have the internet that we can keep chatting and texting online instead of using the unbelievably expensive phone call.   Now I came to Canada and everything goes even better -- we got the video call! I can basically have an video call with my parents anytime (except for the time is different and they might be sleeping) . To be honest, it is not much worse than just talking face to face!!! THANK YOU, internet.

    Now the internet has made people's life more and more easier,we have Amazon,eBay that you don't even need to go out if you want to buy something you need. In China, we can even order our meals online. All you need to do is just to decide what you want to eat and the chose the picture that you think the meal will look like. After that you can just relax at home and wait for someone cooks for you ,knocks at the door and gives your food to you. We called that "wai mai".

    We also use internet for class everyday. Teachers use internet enrich the ways and materials that can be used during teaching to help their students understanding and knowing. those different kinds of recourses make the class more interesting and vivid.

   ... ...

BUT do all of those mean that we are totally using the internet???
    I will use my own experience as another example.

    One day I got a message that shows that I had been charged for 200 dollars by Amazon. I was shocked that time because all I bought from Amazon was just three e-books. I called the bank and they told me that is because I joint the membership automatically without any reminding. I felt I was deceived and I was really angry that time. Although, in the end I called them and they returned the money back, I still feel that I have been used by the internet. I bounded my visa card but how come they charged me without letting me know? It was also the first time that I felt the internet is using us.

    Since that I realized that the internet played with me more and more often. Like those advertisements on the websites are "happened" to related the things that I am interested in... I started ask myself am I really save or private? I promise the answer is NO!

⥁ Since I started using internet everyday I realized that I became more and more relying on it . I keep hearing my friends complaining --

"Since the Internet has come into my life, I hang out with my friends much less often...We SELDOM communicate with each other face to face, because we think that we have already talked about everything on-line, I EVEN don't know what to say..."

"I really MISS my life without the Internet!!!"

"I have focused on my phone all the afternoon...WHAT did I do???"


 It might change our brain???!!!

Those addiction to the internet is harmful to our whole life!

While we are enjoying the convenience and joy that the internet gave us. We should pay attention to our privacy and use our time wisely.


  1. I agree with you that many people are overly depending on internet to spend their leisure time. Sometimes I feel even more lonely when I check my phone and realize no one sent any messages to me.

  2. I like how you relate to your own experience. And it really connects to me because Chinese online app is totally different. For example, I think one of the Chinese app (WeChat) really benefits me, we can not only text but also transfer money, buy things through WeChat.
