Wednesday 23 November 2016

Are we using the internet, or is the internet using us???

We use the internet. 

Whether it is for entertainment purposes, school work, or because you're bored, we definitely use the internet. 

Image result for internet gifs

Some might argue that the internet uses us but I disagree. The internet was first made for us to use and we are the ones who control the internet so how is the internet using us at all. 

We control what websites we go on.

We use the internet for 
Searching something we do not know
When we are bored
and the list goes on...
We use the internet for a vast amount of things. 
Like, you know, texting my friends from far away and from overseas. We keep in contact with each other and stay updated about each others lives. I have to say, we got closer through the internet.  

The internet does take our information from what we do on the internet, but we are the ones who chose to use the internet that way. 

As you can see, we use the internet way more than the internet uses us.
There is no question to how we don't use the internet. 
Image result for internet gifs


  1. Theres the people who own these websites using the internet to make money off of us so in my opinion we are being used.

  2. Agree with your idea! Internet is created by us, so we are definitely the group that controls the Internet!
