Thursday 24 November 2016

Are we being used by the internet or using the internet?

Are the internet using us or are we using them properly..?
It's a hard question answer, but in my opinion, I believe we are being used as well as using them. Mostly being used tho... :(  
Regardless to the head of each company, we-the users- technically have the control of the internet. Yes, the usage of the internet is depended on our opinions as well as being shared globally. Yes, the news or other people will also share their thoughts too, just like us, but it is our decision whether to believe them or not. 
BUT!!!! Some people on the internet are being paid to write persuasive articles or tweet or a post to enhance their views. AND we, humans, are very..wait no I mean... extremely influential. Our mind have selective attention so they ignore the things that don't interest them and kinda just went with others view then forget about it. I mean, if other people already did the research and summary an idea, of course you would believe them and don't want to spend extra time on this specific topic, right?

Honestly, the internet is scary, a lot of people are obsess with it, basically possessed by the internet. You are still you on the internet, but different in a way. It's weird, but it's true.
Do you remember those weird ads playing before almost every YouTube videos happens to be something you were searching 1 hour ago? What was that, magic? You wish... ha
Instead of magic, it's actually people tracking down your recent online activities and throw those ads into your face. Literally, STALKING. Like how you stalk people on Facebook, but more in depth in their recent search on the internet.

It's scary and most of us know the truth, but we do use it anyways because we want to use the internet to communicate with people. 
What can we do? Just go with it? Stop using the internet? Or understand how they work better?

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