Saturday 26 November 2016

freedom of speech through the internet-- good or bad?


Google defines it as "the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint." It's typically associated to positivity, but in reality, the definition says nothing of the sort.

To base one's actions 'as one wants' could mean all sorts of positive things: creating art, listening to music, living without imposed restraint... But are we overlooking the fact that freedom allows those with ill intent to act as they want to as well?

from giphy

Who are you?

Anonymity is a largely ambiguous in terms of positivity and negativity. It's much easier to reach out for help on things such as forums without revealing one's identity, and that may help people who fear judgement off of who they are and how they're feeling. However, there are people who will abuse this anonymity, lashing out and saying mean things to others that they wouldn't have the 'guts' to say in person.

On the other hand, anonymity reveals one's true colours and leads us to asking the questions: is this really who I want to be? Are these people who I want to be around?
from pinterest

In an ideal world...

It is wishful thinking to say that it's possible for every single person on the internet to be kind to each other. But if there's a message I can leave with you lovely readers, it's to not be that mean person.

If no one were to be cruel to each other on the internet-- would we really have to question if it were a positive or a negative thing?

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