Monday 28 November 2016

Matthew Song #3

Does the internet lead communication in a positive direction?

How does it lead it in a positive direction?
The internet is a medium that we use to connect with the people we dont see face-to-face. We often use it to talk to people like friends or family, that live across the ocean and you can't see on a daily basis. You can facetime them to virtualy see them face-to-face which is a great feature for people living in distant countries as international students.

How is it making our communication worse?
Because we use the internet as a means for communication, we don't talk with the people around us face-to-face anymore. We text them even though they're right next to us instead of looking at them and talking. This video belows explains how we use our phones for everything and how we dont communicate with the people near us.↓👇

1 comment:

  1. I like the use of your video, only 1 spelling error that I saw, virtually is with 2 l's not one. I like the cleanless of your format. One thing I would suggest since it's very short is give your personal thoughts and which side that you're on. Good work!
