Monday 28 November 2016

Communication in a different way

The evolution of communication:

We choose to communicate in a different way as the technology developed. We communicate with people around us using social media. Is it really a better way to communicate? Is it positive? Is it  different to what we communicated? Definitely!
     We all realize the change of our communication between people influence how we talk think and act. I asked my family about the evolution of communication, they all present different points. They agree communication on social media brings us convenience, however they react in different way.

The real communication

ME: mom, do you think communication now days is developing in a positive way? 
Mom: I don't know, but I know you waste a lot of time on that little screen.  
Me: But you can video call Grandma in Canada, you can see her. 
Mom: see her on the screen? Right! It is convenient.... I guess... But it's better to see her face to face. 
Me: So is it developing in a positive way? 
Mom: I know it brings us benefits, but for communication, I think it is developing in a negative way! People are too rely on it. 
Me: how were you communicate with your friends when you were young? 
Mom: that's totally different to you, you know when I was young, I only got the television to watch and it is black and white. It was a luxury if you got TV in the early 80s in China. 
Me: So you watch TV all day? 
Mom: Definitely not, I said it was too expensive and too fancy, so we rarely watch it. And the TV program at that time only got few channels. 
Me: So how do you communicate with your friends? 
Mom: Just face to face! it was fun! And people were more extroverted, try to think: if you don't have a computer (any technology devices), you are going to hang out with your friends, then what would you do? 
Me: go out and find them? 
Mom: right, I rode the bicycle to find my friends. 
Me: then? 
Mom: if you don't have video games, and TV is too boring? What would you do? 
Me: Talk with my friend, try to find something fun to do?
Mom: Right! Look, this is how we were communicating with friends. If there is no technology, you will find, even play with rocks are fun. 
The communication before technology is created is the real communication. People are more close to each other and it is more likely to talk to each other with honest and empressement.

The misunderstand Versus sense of security through anonymity 

Me: Hey? 
Sister: hi, don't talk to me right now 
Me: why? 
Sister: I broke up with my boyfriend! He said he is going to watch a movie with another girl, so I was... too emotional... 
Me: You talked to him on phone? 
Sister: I texted him... 
Me: Why you don't talk with him face to face, maybe you misunderstood something.  
Sister:  why? Do you think it will be very awkward when I see him? 
Me: No! you can explain how you feel! And he will also tell you why. 
Sister: You don't know! I don't even know what I should say when I see him. 
Me: Come on! it's the same, just say what you want to say. 
Sister: It is impossible!!!

* This video shows how social media makes us unsocial.

As shown in the conversation, communication on social media may easily cause misunderstand because human are detected things with their 5 senses, if you only see the language but no facial, verbal, body expression, it may be hard to guess how people are really thinking.
 People rely on social media to communicate because they feel secure.
1. No facial expression.
2. long response time.
3. non-verbal argument will provide protection. (less harms)

These seem like benefits to us, however, it is a false sense of security. We use social media to communicate and thought it will bring us protection and privacy. It not only influence how we will fast react in the real life but also make people are more likely to escape from the real life. (the relationship issues.) People use emoji to express their facial expression, it may also cause misunderstand of one's emotion. Have you ever noticed the level of composure, humor or even cruelty one can appear to have in their social network and not have in their daily life?  People are more likely to express their strong verbal expression on social media because anonymity makes them feel safe. It turns out no one really knows who you really are, so they release all their emotion on the internet. It becomes a way to abreact.
     communication through social media is developing in a negative way. The ability of human communication is degeneration, no facial expression instead we use emoji, hide in our nutshell to release emotions, and this always cause misunderstand. 

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