Tuesday 8 November 2016


"the medium is the message. This is merely to say that the personal and social consequences of any medium - that is, of any extension to ourselves - result from the new scale that is introduced into our affairs by each extension of ourselves, or by any new technology." - Marshall McLuhan.
"Medium is the message"is a succinct summary of the roles and effect of the social media during the development of society. 

It means that the media itself is the really meaningful message,which is to say that only if a kind of media came out, the connection and spread of the relative message are possible to work.Hence, during the long development of human being, the truly valuable and significant "message" is not the content that was spread in every era, but the character, possibility and the changes in society of the media that every era used.


  • Language
  • Character
  • Print
  • Radio & Television
  • Telecom
  • Transportation
  • cloth
  • Residence
  • Currency

==================ALL "extension to ourselves"

For example
...TRANSPORTATION = the extension to our legs
...TELESCOPE = the extension to our vision
...TELEPHONE = the extension to our ears and mouth
...COMPUTER,TELEVISION...MULTIMEDIA = the extension to our neural centre

The Internet era is in a highly informational stage in the development of human society. This stage is characterized by the further development of the mass media, the popularization of microcomputers, and rapidly becomes the media of processing personal information.

The impact of the network to us everywhere. it has opened up a convenient channel for our communication. In the Internet age, the character of the network determines the character of communication. The network brings another information revolution to our human society. The development of human society and the development of communication is ongoing with the continuous evolution of communication tools.

1 comment:

  1. Love your explanation of "extension to ourselves", you point out that the message can be passed to us through every single way. Everything in the world is giving you the information, you just have to notice it. And also, as almost the most convenient medium of giving messages, the Internet changing the whole system of how people receiving messages.
