Wednesday 9 November 2016

BLOG 1 Making Sense of McLuhan


How did you gain info form others?
How do you gain info from others?
How will you gain info from others?

This is how we gain info nowadays.

I bet everyone are somehow using technologies to receive the messages from the others instead of using some old methods. But have you thought about this? Whatever people use to gain info, they always do it through some mediums. In the old days, people read newspapers, but the newspapers were published by journalists. Now we mostly uses apps in our phone, it is much easier and more convenient than the old way, though behind apps, companies control what can be posted.

In this case, medium passed the messages to us, but the messages are limited.

How media control us.

So how do you know that the messages that had been post for you to see is what really happened?
There are 2 methods:

1. Changing sources.

We have tons of choices.

There are so many choices of applications, be selective, choose the most reliable one.
But how can we choose the reliable one?
It is related to the second method.

2. Improve yourself


Be smart, read more, think more, learn more, then you will be able to identify which source is better.

"the medium is the message. This is merely to say that the personal and social consequences of any medium - that is, of any extension to ourselves - result from the new scale that is introduced into our affairs by each extension of ourselves, or by any new technology." - Marshall McLuhan.
The statement of Marshall McLuhan describe the medium as extension to ourselves, but be careful, don't be lead to a "wrong extension".

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