Wednesday 9 November 2016

New tyrant rules?!!!

  "Today the tyrant rules not by club or fist, but disguised as a market researcher."

  Really? A market researcher= a tyrant? People might be frustrated, " How does that make any sense? "
Well... If you really think about it, you find out they have a lot in common. For example, they are the ones who set up the "laws" and "rules" in our society, they control the main stream and media favour to benefit themselves.

   We are losing ourselves and being influenced a lot under media and public main stream

   Have you ever wondered why everyone around you listens to pop music and all over the media? Have you ever wondered why google is the most popular search engine and people always think google has the most official information? Why wearing jeans is cool but wearing jean shorts isn't cool? And that's how media effect our society and our living, they create and hype the elements which can benefit the people who controls the market, and make those elements to become the main stream so that they get more benefits from ones that only follows the majority and has no brains.

How does a market researcher control us?  

    "He shepherds his flocks in the ways of utility and comfort."
    Today in the music world, billboard hot 100 is probably the most popular chart for people to find the most popular music. However, whenever you check the list, you'll find pop songs always dominate the top 10 spots. Those market researchers who work for record company would do a lot of public surveys, to find out the trend of the most popular music by collecting the results, which is pop. And they'll advertise the musicians who make pop music everywhere. So when the younger generation is surrounded by all those medias, they'll start to adapt this type of music intentionally. And that's why the media is trying their best to create idols and advertising them crazily, they want to grab more attention and control the main music stream by the influence of pop music.
    Iphone is another great example for this quote, after apple gained all the information about people's imagination and favour towards cell phones, the first iphone came out, with full of creativity and experience, apple became popular and lead to a new era of technologies. However, this was only the first step for Stephen Jobs and his crew. They started dominating the main stream of devices, every other company is trying to follow the new technologies from apple. Today, Apple is way overpriced and its popularity hasn't decreased yet even they are not as strong as they were before, People are still falling in the web which was set up by apple and the media. So personally, i would say apple is the tyrant in technology world.

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