Wednesday 9 November 2016

"We shape our tools and afterwards our tools shape us"-Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan has once quoted, "We shape our tools and afterwards our tools shape us." This is a pretty straight forward quote that we can all relate to. We create tools and technologies, and then once the tools and technologies have evolved, they control us and basically create us. 
How did Marshall McLuhan predict the future? His quote relates to the present 21st century so much that it kinda freaks me out.

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We created tools because it makes our life easier.
Laziness is a humans best friend. We struggle to get out of bed in the morning and we wish for the ability to teleport. Because of our laziness, we started creating tools that could help us get through the day doing as little work as possible. Our creative brains have created robots that can help us go fetch an apple from the kitchen or even walk our dog.
They have evolved so much that they could understand what we say and do almost anything that we can do. I present to you "human 2.0". 
Image result for personal robots

The tools control us.
Steve Jobs created the released the first iPhone on June 29 2007. You could zoom in and zoom out, download apps, take selfies, and do anything that an old flip phone cannot do. 
Citizens were crazy about the new iPhone and sales increased rapidly. As years went by, the apple company started evolving the iPhone according to what the citizens wanted. A higher camera resolution and new and better looking emojis. After that, people started buying more and more phones and becoming more and more addicted. We probably can't even live a day without our phones. 
When you walk through the park, you don't see children running around and playing tag, instead you see peoples heads buried into their phones. 
Phones are causing us to become antisocial screen addict people. 
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The game Pokemon go was released 2016 and it became a huge thing. A location based augmented reality game that could connect you with people. This game has gotten people out of their houses, exploring their environments, exercising, and making new friends. 
Everything was great until news came out that a woman was killed because a guy was using his phone and playing Pokemon go while driving. 
Phones distract us from situations and start controlling what we do. 

People would risk a lot just for their phones, even if it means throwing away something valuable. 
In Illinois on the year 2013, a man accidentally dropped his phone into the buildings trash chute. He asked around for keys to the trash chute and eventually got access to, hoping to get his phone back from the trash compactor. After three hours of not hearing from the man, his wife filed a missing person report to the police. Investigators went to the trash room and discovered the mans crushed lifeless body. 
A man died all because of his phone. 

As you can see from these examples, technology and tools, especially phones, have controlled us some point in our lives.
It's quite sad seeing what technology has evolved to become in the world today.

Technology is taking over our lives.
Image result for phones gif

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