Wednesday 9 November 2016

Does media equals the truth?

"All media exist to invest our lives with artificial perceptions and arbitrary values"by MARSHALL MCLUHAN 
    In last few centuries, media only exsited in boardcasting with very few channels and information to delve. However, since the invention of computer and television technology, the one dimesional media"broadcasting" has transformed into the two dimesional prevalence-laptop,mobile phone,tablet etc, which means that the rapid growth of techonology has been enchancing the development of media world throughout internet.  
The bigger as the media world become , the more intricate of the representations of imformation, therefore more misleading values.

   People are using their techs read and browse information in the lesuire time, they get the advantages of  exposing themselves to a worldwide social interconnected society but they tend to trust whatever the media says.  
Intrinsically,we humans are easily distracted and fooled.

What does media do? To provide accurate news, or rather entertain audiences? 
   Media exsits for many reasons, but mostly they have to play the roles what government want them to do, known as scandal or hoax. In order to get as many attentions and followers as possible to keep the company operating, they must follow the rules. Just like the old proverb says,"When in Rome, do as the Romans."

In the recent events, America Election has became the most controversial affair. The governments(Republic and Demorat) invested the social media as the mediator of messages to win supporters for the final voting. Moreover, many individual media whether the local broadcasts or TV channels, even famed bloggers arised to help each parties exaggerated and distorted many information which contributed to more disputes.     US election and media: How did we get there?


  Why does media is not always trustworthy?
 Two reasons:
1. 1.cooperation media tend to use more imagery and icons make their advertisiment more enticing. All the imformation they published in public, must in the form for someone's benefits. Businessmen invested the biggest fish out the river,Government regulated or hided the truth to cover up any unfavourable news.
2.To meet more expectations of the crowd, media usually filters out some important details to simpify the whole information. As we all know information could be distorted into many versions when we communicate with others. By the same token, the media is a wider channel that processing information under various of opinions.

who are those people managed to control what we know is truth? 


    In nowdays, people are atrracted by abnormal and artificial information, social media boosted the yearning for gossiping and complaining because everyone has their right to be famous or even live a second life on the internet. To understand how this affect the relationship bewteen society and individuals, check on this video

 Clicking into youtube, instergram, thousands of bloggers sharing their fashions and styles. People believes that  videos and pictures made by some online professionals have more credibility than watching TV advertisment.Mnay people uses Wikipedia or Google to find a vaild answer for their inquiries, we think we know everything by just simply "Google",BUT who knows the editors of Wikipedia can be anyone just as innocent as you. (Not the professors!)

Are we changing the world or the media changes us? And yet, we are so affected by the beliefs and vaules around us, the enviroment makes 90% of personal identity. Henceforth, people are easily being inculcated false attitudes. We thought we were changing the world, but the truth is sometimes we are being fooled by ourselves. 

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