Sunday 20 November 2016


Is that you every night?
We just can't stop staring at the screen of our technology devices.
Internet become part of our life!
We spend more time with internet than we spend time with friends and family
We are using it to access everything!
(online shopping, online business, social media, news.....)
However are we using the internet or not?
and it turns out to be controversial
We are using the internet?
It did let the world become more globalized.
It did make people feel the connection between people, community, and world  "closer"
We can learn and read about news from other countries
We can face time with our friends and families in distant.
We can share pictures, snaps and links to our friends.
We can make more friends by adding people on social media.
We can order food, clothes, cab by just sitting  in front of the lap top
We can pay bills through online banking.
This is how we connect to the world
by using the
Diversity, Accessibility, Exploration, Anonymity, convenient
this is why we use
As time flies, internet keep developing, it become more powerful.
but We changed!
Our laziness, greed, vanity.....
Internet learned about our weakness,
and use it to change our life!
Ask yourself, are we really connect to our world?
How many time you spend with your friends?
How many time you spend with your family?
How many time you spend on internet?
YES! We are communicating with people online!
But is it face to face?
Do you feel people are more introverted than they were?
Internet become a mask which block our real self!
People are alienated themselves from the real world!
Internet is using us!
It makes us more rely on it!
We have less face to face communication between people!
We socialize online!
We are hiding in our nutshell!
Pretend to be a different person, faking everything!
Have you ever wonder why some people act completely differently online compare to their real life ?
This is all because INTERNET!
We are using internet however as we rely on it, internet controls our life, it changed how we socialize and how we reach out to the community!
We are changing, We are controlled by internet!


  1. I am glad we have so many similar ideas, but generally I am more optimistic about the future relationship between human and the internet. Since we are the people who control what kinds of idea we spread out around the world,I believe we are capable of making a better difference.

  2. I really like the pictures and gif that you used in your blog. But I kind of think that the addiction to the internet is because ourselves... We decided to use it and didn't manage our time wisely.
