Sunday 20 November 2016

using... or being used?


Is it the truth that we are still fully in control of all human inventions? Or are we slowly slipping, allowing them to take over our individual autonomies?

Such is the recent debate concerning the internet.

The internet-- a tool that we have created for ourselves to facilitate so many things: communication, research, advertisement, news. However, in doing so, we have given the 'bigwigs' of the internet permission to access so much of our personal information. I can't help but feel a bit unsafe about that.

via gifhell

For example, how safe do I feel knowing some middle-aged man in California has access to every last one of my Snapchat photos? Some of those photos don't even go out to anyone save my closest of friends. 

And what about the way that the internet spreads images and messages so quickly? For example, too fast are young women led to believe that the "perfect" body is one shape and one shape only, thanks to the Victoria's Secret ad (in panel 2 of the Blendspace). Once they see the false news as truth, then it will be much more difficult to convince them otherwise.

But I am free.

On the internet, I feel as if I am a different self. I still wouldn't be rude or offensive in any way, but on my different social media outlets, I have the freedom to express things that I don't want the people in my immediate vicinity to know about me-- my passions, my dreams, my fears.

Social media tends to provide me with a space where I am one of seven billion in the world, and the sense of anonymity makes me feel okay to share my creations. For example, my poetry account on Instagram (panel 1 of the Blendspace) is a place where I express myself in ways that I wouldn't in front of my peers or my family.


Finally, I feel as if perhaps the internet is controlling and changing the mindsets of those who do not have set personal values. However, as someone who is very firm in what I believe in, I know that the internet cannot control me.

The debate concerning whether we are using the internet or if the internet is using us can never be resolved as a whole, but I can clearly say that in my personal case, I am grounded enough to control my own use of the internet.


  1. You messed up your html code btw

    Strong ideas nice format, but I strongly disagree with the internet not being able to control you, because the internet limits a lot of people now and is almost being a core part of a lot of people in the modern society. You are controled by limits, almost like in the past you were controled by cell phone companies and couldn't decide what went on your device, until someone came and changed that. We are all controled and limited because we can not use the new tools of the future because most of us, even if we can think of them, do not know how to create them. But this is my opinion so take it with a grain o salt.

  2. I agree with you. Even though the internet affects a lot to us, and shapes our world, trend, and even opinions of people, it depends on each person's control ability. If the person can control what they are doing or seeing, that person is using the internet.
