Sunday 20 November 2016

We Have The Power (Blog 2) By Troy R

We Have The Power

Image result for power

The internet can be a scary place if you don't know how to use it, but if you know how to use it, it can be very beneficial since we have the power on the internet rather than being controlled by it.

Sharing Knowledge

We use the internet on a daily basis to help get a better understanding for things we do or wish to know.  How often do you open your phone and search on google for a fun fact that you wish to know? Probably pretty often. An example for how we use the internet to gain knowledge is when Donald Trump was elected in the US 2016 election, there was a large portion of Americans searching on google "How to move to Canada". Sobeit that this information isn't always valid, you can usually find the correct answer by visiting multiple sites. Using the internet to gather this knowledge is a lot easier and quicker to collect rather than going to a library and searching for books or asking someone.  Lastly some people use the internet to share their struggles in life since it's a lot easier to talk online rather than face to face about significant problems. It is also easier to get feedback on these issues. Bullying is a hot topic for this and there are people you can chat with and they can share what they know with you whether they are halfway across the globe, they'll try and help you and hope that their knowledge can push you through these tough times.

Staying Up To Date

How many people do you know use the internet to stay up to date via the internet whether it is chatting to friends or family who are far away from you or reading virtual news?  Practically everyone is exposed to these and they use them beneficially. As simple as it may be, we have the power to use the internet to help us out. Saying "Happy Birthday" on the internet is unquestionably convenient. When you wake up in the morning it is a lot easier to look at the news on the internet because the most relevant or interesting stuff comes up. That's a whole lot easier than flipping through each and every page of your newspaper or watching through countless minutes of irrelevant news. As well as this you can share special moments instantaneously to your friends and family. Say you take a lovely picture with your family in Hawaii, I'm sure your relatives and even close friends would love to see a picture of this and possibly look back on this moment since the internet can be easily organized.

Potential Jobs Or Hobbies

Image result for Youtube logo      Some people spend countless hours on the internet for their jobs and or hobbies which can be beneficial to themselves or to others.  For those people who make cash on the internet, they truly know how to use the internet to their advantage. Typically if you use the internet for your job you'll probably like it whether you're an entertainer or a website creator. I mean who wouldn't want to make money while sitting in the comfort of their home? Occasionally we use the internet to have fun. Millions of people everyday use the internet to play games and pass the time which is a great example of why we use the internet. There is virtually a game for everyone out there whether it's a game with a storyline or a competitive game to play and connect with your friends. Without the internet we would lose hundreds of thousands of jobs and Justin Trudeau cannot create that many jobs :P.

Overall, the internet is one of the best advancements in human history and gives us the capability to control it to strongly support all of us. 

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