Monday 7 November 2016

Our Dictator (Blog #1) (David Matson)

The degree of accuracy that Marshall Mcluhan achieved in his discussion of times in the 1960s, and their continued relevance to this day never ceases to amaze.

"Today the tyrant rules not by club or fist, but disguised as a market researcher, he shepherds his flocks in the ways of utility and comfort."

To him, this meant that we are being controlled by businesses and corporations that are telling us what to buy and how to live.

Now, this is so much more true. Every aspect of our lives is being invaded by media and technology. We are being controlled by the media telling us what we want to hear, and giving us an easy way to do everything, so we become reliant on the ease with which we can do everything. In this way, they can tell us whatever they want, as long as they put it the right way.

Image result for controlled by internet

So, to end this off, think about what you are doing with media and technology. Are you using it, or is it using you?


  1. Ending with a question is totally a blog thing! I do think my life is too comfortable, and that external forces are working to numb me to the discomfort that I may need to face in order to make this world more equitable and just. I'd love to hear more support and ideas from you (this entry is SHORT!).

  2. I do agree what you said. We are controlled by governments and corporations since the media was established. Love the question at the end (I do love a cliffhanger) but the blog entry can be longer.
