Monday 7 November 2016

The Changes Coming to Politics

Politics will eventually be replaced by imagery.

a picture is worth a thousand words
Imagery is more powerful than language it self. With imagery, people are able to speak with the masses, regardless if the person can read English. The politician is also able to put the citizens into their prospective.
Using of imagery to put the viewers into the audience

These pictures are made to make viewers feel patriotic and join in with the conversation. Pictures make it a lot easier for people to feel connected. Without images, it is more difficult to connect with the masses.

Clinton profits
Info graphics can make a candidate look better or worse

Info graphics help users gather quick information - which may not be accurate. Candidates use info graphics to try to change the public's stance on what they think to be correct.

Images are slowly becoming more present in political world. It is a lot easier for a politician to speak with the masses regardless if the politician has any idea about what they are talking about.

The power of pictures

Pictures are some of the strongest forms of communication. Without pictures, we would not be able to Get a feeling for the politician. Often, we will judge people by what they are wearing, even though we are told not to.

Pictures can convey emotion

Pictures also have the power to make us feel emotions. These powerful emotions can than be used to affect our instincts. Pictures bring the the candidate closer to the audience, which is something that a big blob of text just cannot do. Imagery also can display the passion within a candidate.

The shift to pictures and video in politics is an obvious one. Without this change, people would just vote for a candidate whose policy aligns with their ideas. Now people can vote for people who they feel have a passion.

© 2016 - Edward Vo

1 comment:

  1. Excellent use of images to support your point. I'd like to hear more of your argument next time too. A picture is only worth a thousand words if you have thoroughly supported your thesis :)
