Friday 16 December 2016

#Activism and #Slacktivism

Slacktivism: A method to spread awareness of a political or social or environmental concern campaign through social media platform with limited effort
An example of slacktivism is retweeting the post and donate some money to the campaign. A way to support a campaign without effecting your everyday routine, making you feel proud of yourself for doing something small and nice.
An example of slacktivism is #thedress
The campaign #thedress started as 2 posts on tweeter on March 6, 2015 by salvation army- around the time when the black and blue, white and gold dress was the the star of the social media. One of the post was a woman with bruises wearing the white and gold dress with saying " why is it so hard to see black and gold?" in addition to a fact of "one out of six women are victims of abuse."
The goal was to show the awareness of domestic violence and abuse against women and spread the importance of protecting and recognizing women who are being abused.
This is an example of slacktivism because the readers don't have to do any physical work or actions to contribute to the campaign other than re-tweeting or sharing it.

Activism: a strategy to run a campaign with more actions and  risks to contribute to the campaign.
Activism usually require the people to do some sort of action to achieve a common goal.
Example: #alsicebucketchallenge
The #alsicebucketchallenge involved lots of  people.
People had to film themselves being bumped by a bucket of ice water.
Why? To show the awareness of ALS and how serious the disease is and it patients with ALS need help from other people.
It involved more than just sharing the post and donate money to their campaign.
The donated money are being used on further research on ALS to help with curing the disease.

1 comment:

  1. I like your definition of activism and slacktivism. Also ALS Ice Bucket Challenge can be slacktivism, too. Because as it got famous, there were some people who participated just to be popular, even though they didn't know the purpose of the campaign.
