Sunday 18 December 2016

Matthew song #5

Slacktivism vs activism

This is something when you want to spread an awareness of a cause but you don't put in as much personal effort. For example, buying merchandise online would be an example of slacktivism. Not going out to protests, but helping from home. Slacktivism is a great way to spread awareness and make it popular online and across social media. For example for #Kony2012, the online support helped everyone be aware of the cause even if it was just using the hashtag. Social media is what allows slacktivism to have an effect on the campaign to some extent, but, if everyone was a slacktivist, there would be no effect on the campaign. The online campaign, #thedress, was used to increase the awareness of abuse towards woman. This campaign was almost all done online making it a slacktivist campaign because there was no actual rallies or protests that took place.

Activism is when you actually take part in the protests or rallies that are taking place. The campaign #occupywallstreet was a campaign that was used to lessen the influence of money in the members of congress. This is an example of activism because thousands went out to participate in the rallies and protest at Zuccotti park in NY. They stayed there for many nights in tents and protested on wall street. There were also many protests that happened world wide for the same purpose that spread from the #occupywallstreet.

Socials Media
Social media is the platform for all campaigns to spread their message to people. They post pictures and make it popular on social media. A good example of this would be #occupywallstreet because the cause was posted on social media and made popular across the globe. Many other countries such as Kenya participated in this protest as a result from the protest being spread across social media.

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