Friday 16 December 2016

Amy Ju #4 The Influence of Social Media Bias

 Facebook is the most popular. It is quite obvious for us, in particular teenagers, to believe what social media releases. As the article points out "Facebook is designed to prevent you from hearing others".This argument was discussed in one our Socratic Seminar as well. Facebook is the most credible or one we can learn what is going on in the world. Except some nerds most teenagers including me like to be spot lighted so they constantly post News feeds something international, something global, and even something trivial. However, when the News feeds are something critical, then we are brave enough to ask, "what are you talking about?" Instead, we are likely to reply, "cool", or "like". During the Socratic Seminar, we learned not everyone agreed that we were blinded by biased social media, in particular, Facebook.

CNN broadcasted an accident titled, "Ohio State University: Attacker killed, 11 hospitalized after campus attack." This biased news confused us by informing that police investigated whether the attack was terrorism or not.

In essence, it is still evident that if we are never doubtful about what we are exposed, we will be swayed by social media, because social media is not always trustworthy. Readers are very sensitive about the language social media uses.

         "Whoever controls the media, controls the mind." 
                                                                                                                                                               - Jim Morrison

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