Friday 16 December 2016

Slacktivism and Activism

To start, i would like to say that there are two different types of people on Earth, the active ones and the "slackers". You would think that active people might be more successful than the lazy, couch potato type but it is not always the case when it comes to fundraising campaigns. Let us be honest here, there is a bit of laziness in all of us, even the active type. Like me, I like to sit on the end of my couch and click on the "donate" button on my computer rather than going out raising flags under the sun and sweat like a dog. But hey, it's just me, other people with healthier attitude than me might go out and actually change the world.

Is Slacktivism Good?
SLACKTIVISM IS A TREND! People begin slacking off when the moment internet and technologies were invented, so are those global "make this world a better place" campaigns. Kony 2012 is a solid example. They've raised over 31.94 million dollars. 31.94 million is a huge amount of money to arrest a runaway warlord. But did Kony get arrested... no. They did not get Kony but instead, they did get your money. To be honest, I did not like the campaign at all mainly because huge amount of money they raised are used to advertise and make the founders more famous. Don't get me wrong here, I like donating money to inspiring campaigns that gradually empties my wallet but the way they deceived the audience is intolerable. They say that they were going to bring Kony to justice but he is still at large and continues to massacre, rape  and recruit child soldiers. The campaign made absolutely no impact. This is the evidence that people have been slacking, biting off more than they could chew by going for a incredibly hard target and they have no courage to keep up with his actions.

I've always wanted to get up and be active but my laziness continues to keep me away from "sports" in general. I admire those who stands up and seek change for the better because of them, the world can become a better place. Charities that offer interesting activities mixed in with a slight bit of donations seems to be working out successfully. One example would be the ice bucket challenge. People all around the world are contributing by dumping buckets and buckets of ice cold water onto themselves to contribute and nominate more people. THEY'VE MADE 115 MILLION DOLLARS!! Almost 4 times more than what Kony 2012 makes. Plus the ALS association is actually using this money to treat the disease rather than expending itself. This it an example of how activism can make more impact than slacktivism.

In the end, the effective margin of both activism and slacktivism is solely dependent on the audience that is us. Depending on what type of audience a campaign is targeting, the level of achievement varies. So are you the active type? Or are you a couch potato like me?

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