Friday 16 December 2016

BLOG 5 #Activism/Slacktivism

Ever since social media campaigns become more and more, the idea of "activism" and "slacktivism" is known by more people, too. Just in case i you don't know the meaning of "activism" and "slacktivism", here is the definition:
- Activism: a process of vigorously advocates or opposes a social/ political/ economic/ environmental cause to create a change.
- Slactivism: a process witch people does something in support of an issue or cause that requires minimal personal effort.

typical slacktivism

Back to our topic, social media campaigns are often spread by using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on.

Here is an example: Kony 2012. The campaign basically was to make Ugandan cult and militia leader, Joseph Kony globally known on order to have him arrested by the end of 2012. The organization Invisible Children released an emotional video to rise people's awareness. I was moved by the video, too. This video makes you think "what if my children/ the children around me are kidnapped by Kony" all the time, and it shows the terrible situations of the kidnapped children in Uganda. Which really makes people want to help.

However, Joseph Kony was not arrested by the end of 2012, or not even by 2016!
Because people are not willing to drag them self to the real danger, though this is the only to make the possibility of catch Kony bigger. Which means, social media campaigns are not able to compare with the high risk activism that took place in the civil rights and anti - war movement.

And do you remember Ice Bucket Challenge?

That was a good example of successful social media campaign. I can just tell you one thing to show how successful the campaign is: even all the Chinese knew this campaign and pour water all over them ! I think the reason that people were get involve in and do the challenge is because pouring ice water is fun, THEY WERE ACTUALLY PLAYING but not mean to help ALS. They don't know what they are challenging for.

And also for the campaign "save the children", people are basically donating money and do nothing.

So that is slacktivism. Actually, there are more slacktivism than activism on the Internet nowadays.


However, does slacktivism only brings the negative effect to the campaign and the people who really want to help?

I would say no.

Even though slacktivism sounds negative, and people are not really doing much, some campaigns still comes out a pretty good result. For example, after started the Ice Bucket Challenge, the ALS association had received $41.8 million in donations from more than 739000 new donors. At least slacktivist spread the idea, and spread the information for the people who really need help.

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