Thursday 15 December 2016

BLOG 4 The influence of social media bias

Since I was quite little, I was told to learn the way of thinking,and the ability of "think independently". From the serious faces of my parents, I kind of feel the importance of learning it, but with no idea about it. Then I grow up, knowing that able to "think independently" offers you the chances to be not blinded by various sources of information, and some of the sources are not that reliable, which means there is a probability that the information is faked.
As I first get in touch with the Internet, I obviously was surprised by the booming information. And some of them are definitely not true (and I realized this fact after a few years). Since I was quite naive and had no experiences with these info, I believed all of them by the time I saw it.

Let's get back to our topic, "The influence of social media bias".
Is my experience shown above a good example of how easy the social media can control our mind? Does that mean we are not able to think for ourselves because we trust the Internet so much?
It seems so.

But it is not.
I mean, Internet is not the only component of our lives. The real live experiences is the thing that really provide you the ability of distinguishing things. That's why adult can tell the essence of one thing easier than the teenagers.
And also, people are getting used to all the lies around them. We can see this kind of news all the day:

Typical fraud

As we getting familiar with this, the lies that on the Internet seems not working. Because we are already built the ability to tell the difference between the truth and the lie.

So am I, after a first year and second year of exploration on the Internet, I know how to think for myself now, and think pretty well. Fake news are not blinding me anymore because I have experience and I know how to think independently.

Just in case if you think you are not think independently, read this:

1 comment:

  1. I disagree with you saying that you can recognize fake news because often times fake news can have a catchy title and look like it is designed by a reputable news company. Also these fake news webpages often will tap into legitimate websites and pull "created evidence" or create a crap ton of other websites that seems official looking with the same idea but with different faked evidence and shared evidence to try to make us think that one point is true. Fake news is a business and people have to believe what they see and as many people they can tap into, the higher their profit. It is almost impossible to find proof that that news is false, but easy to find points supporting the news.

    I also disagree with you saying that you know how to think independently because the entire education system is flawed. How do you know most of the things that are taught to you in school? often times it is passed down from a long chain of people, eventually ending up at some dead person. How do we know that they were correct or wrong? We don't, we just assume that they are correct. For example when is the last time that you accurately measured what gravity was by dropping an object in almost a zero gravity environment. Now how do you know that the calculations that you are doing are not flawed? This results in long chain ideas that are actually dependent on other people. Regardless, I believe that in our modern world, we can not be independent just because the way that modern society is made up.
