Wednesday 14 December 2016

Blog#3 Internet without communiations


Internet Without Communications

-an ultimately guide of understanding why we should leave social medias alone

      Have you ever fell into a reminiscence of childhood without internet; without Facebook.        Instagram; without live shows and selfies? 
      I have! Life was easy and simple enough, without social media distractions.
      My friends and I used to climb up the trees in my primary school backyard; sitting on one of the toughest branches, looking over the rich canopy of emerald pigment in distance. Absorbing the beauty of  the serenity while dangling my bare foot. 
Image result for climb up trees

      Back to 8 years ago, internet only started its ambitions on occupying China's market, with scant of brands of mobile phone(Samsung,etc). Besides the dismal reactions from the locals, no one foresees it would be such prevalent like today until the advent of Apples. Over 90% of Chinese people use mobile phone while internet covers more than half of the developed cities. Avalanche of  online business emerged after the success of Apples, they invented Wechat, Microblog, QQ.  As a consequence, fewer and fewer people spend time with their families, even though on such a special day in China, Spring Festival. 



        Has internet impeded human   intercommunication? 

 Internet does help the speed of spreading out informative knowledge. However, with faster communication we no longer cherish the moment at present, it hinders a deeper insight into a real world. Sometimes we are being so captured or fascinated by an animated life online-a paradise of free speech. But missing out all the possibilities and serendipity in your life time.



Relationship loss-Screen to screen communication

Less physical touch throughout your relationship with close friends. Instead, people tend to quickly chatting on social media by using convenient images( emoji, videos shot)-they were supposed to substitute your facial expressions, but now it all seems even more emotionless and making horrible poke face to your friends. Human being needs "real in touch" to promote a more reliable relationship going. 


Even though your soulmate is sitting right across your table, 

would you rather put your devices away? 

  So many days we want to convince ourselves that we are becoming a global village and people are sharing their ideas under a democracy internet community beacuse of a globalisation trending in these years. True and false! The answer is always bilateral and  ambiguous. 

 Yes, we have a freedom leading platform

But are we becoming more sociable through the advanced technology 

 Social medias are just another way of people are trying to escape from real misery world.

Thus we are making new friends online to fill up the vancant hole of our spirits. 

We are countinely losing more authentic and honest friends, while making more "no matter what" or "none of my business" coolish internet friends. 

Don't let social medias eat away your lives!


Leave distractions, make the best of your Real life!

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