Wednesday 14 December 2016

Blog#5 Slacktivism vs. Activism

Slacktivism vs.Activism 

Understanding both terms?!

 Many people know the general meaning of the activism.

 "A crowd of violent and proactive protesters,
holding up striking posters of their campaigns."

In order to achive their utimately goals,

people need to stand up for their share values or beliefs. 

This usually implies the risk of being arrested by official polices,

 but also can lead to a result of successful revolution!

As the emerging power of online protest,

internet has became a wider platform for rising issues and causes.

But it also produced another term" Slacktivism"

People have this instinct nature to care about

something that we are lacking of ability to change. (or we just becoming to lazy to change)

Someone claimed that digital spreading causes to take awarness of people in

worldwide, promoting the laziness of another side of human nature.

Yes, we are helping to spread thousands of  viral awarness everyday,

 but we have done so little to engage into a real world and to understand the issues

we care.

We clicked the "good"  or "share" bottoms doesn't mean we will do something

about it

Internet sharing is just sharing, nothing else could be done by anyone

The maximum helping we have done

was  just simply to talk about the issues as a new topic

 in a lesuire time with families or friends.(Ironicly saying that)

Just face the truth: we are all crowds and cowards.

Wait, what is online activism then? Does it equal to Slacktivism?

There are some good online activism that went through the process by utilizing social medias!!!


 Social medias like facebook, twitter,ins,or even youtube are as seen as the best tools

 in 21st century that rapidly spreading out ethos to empathize people and unite the 

world! Humans are just having this idea of saving the world for a long time, who 

dosen't want to be an iron man or a superman? What a brillant idea!With people 

united, we can do anything we want, #save the world!

Ok, be more specific. By using the social medias to catch people's attention, the 

charity or company needs to understand the basic idea of entertainment. 

By saying that I mean the crowds will not click on the "good" bottom at a low 

undersanding level of #Africanwomen or #weneedwater . 

Teaching people to acknowledge the issues takes too much time, and usually 

have scant of impressions or impacts psychologically; not triggering enough 

emotional influences that faciliate futher actions.

Thus, the # campaigns need to come up with ideas that innovate and entertian people to reach the "share" bottom and spread out in a wider community. 

Slacktivism fell off the righteous track for charity

 (Slacktivism works only when the company or organisation is 100% trustworthy ,and no corruption during the process of raising money. )
There are four domiant ways to be a slacktivist;
1.Click"share" bottom
2.Buy a pair of shoes that has a charity tag
3.Donate few dollors and sign a pledge
4 Share your selfie or video with some symbolic items and post it on social media.

Personally I think the slacktivism allows a safer cyper revolution to take action, but it does not necessarily to promote or to apply some big changes into the real life.

I am not a pessimist, but I have to say that 60% of the inklings we had when we were becoming a slacktivists-are grossly passive and irresponsible to those who need acutual helps.People want to make themselves feel better after they donating the money, but sometimes we fail to see the truth behind the veils.





 PS: I found the most famous online activism group in 21st century ever-"Anonymous" 

Share your ideas on this video, tell me whether it's good to have online activists like Anonymous. (comment under the article)


1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on slacktivism, I think we should promote activism, more actions should be involve in the campaign! instead posting picture, videos... on the social media with least personal effort, more actions and changes should be taken in real life to increase the awareness to the target audiences.
