Tuesday 29 November 2016

Is the internet leading humanity into the evolution of communication in a positive way?

It is developing the way of communication because it allows us to communicate with so many more people. The social media have caused a huge impact on the way people connect to each other and communicate to each other at ease. Well, this might be sort of frustrating as a consumer but advertisers can reach out to their customers way easier than before - which is also a bad thing for regular non-businessmen.

Also, people all over the globe can speak to each other without having to all over the world or writing a pen-pal letter that takes days to deliver. Communication via internet not only provides incredible speed, it can help people communicate with different language.

There are some people who thinks this instant and mass communication that internet provide is not a great thing. They think that media can spread false and biased views and opinions on a topic with a click of an upload button, and people can be influenced by them very easily. What do you think?

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