Tuesday 6 December 2016

For better or for worse, the internet and communication

How do you kill communication? If you said the internet, you would be half correct, but more wrong. The internet is something that connects all of us, and helps us talk with others quickly and gets us information very rapidly.
For every positive there is a negative
Nobody can simpily define the internet as an absolute positive or negative, because we do not know who we are talking to anymore. If your friend messages you, how do you know it is your friend, or some stranger... you don't know at all.
anonymous We no longer know who we are talking to

The internet is something that links us together, and technology has change the entire way that humans communicate with each other
We can get information almost instantly
Technology, especially the internet has given us the ability to talk to other people very rapidly and gather information very quickly. The internet is a massive link between us and the world, and the things we own. Most of the things we have now can be connected to the internet By connecting everything to the internet, we can interact with the things we have, even when we are not around. Instead of calling home to see what needs to be bought in the fridge, we can use technology to see what is in the fridge and this reduces the time we communicate with others. The internet creates more fear, because we update so many things, that we no longer talk with people, instead, people come to our profile to see what a person is doing. The internet has created a massive form of communication but has created a wall as well. People are less thoughtful, more hurtful and post information about our lives, because we think we are hidden behind a cloak of anonymity, only attached by the username we pick. This is not the internet. The internet stores collects and sells information, which is linked to you by a special address, so everybody knows who you are. We simply do not know, causing more seperation

Overall we are linked closer together, having friends at our fingertips, but other forms of communications are now struggling to survive as a result. Communication should not just be on one platform, but on many, giving us the feeling of being alone and our person time to ourselves, which is now on the internet.
© 2016 - Edward Vo


  1. Very relatable on how we have friends on our fingertips. The internet makes communication very accessible.

  2. Great layout and in-depth opinions. Also nice touch with the videos. I like the beginning the most since I can easily think of a couple good reasons why the internet is good as well as it being bad. Great work Eddy, it's evident that you put loads of time into this!
