Friday 16 December 2016

Blog 3

Top 3 Reasons The Internet Is Bad For Human Communication.

The internet has been taking over our lives and has been ruining human interactions.

1. Anonymousness

People on the internet feel as if they're invincible, they can say or do whatever they please on it with no circumstances which is fairly true. There is a lot of bullying due to this anonymous feature. They can also create anonymous websites with false information and just made of opinions which can poison the minds of our youth. Another issue is that you may have that name or account on the internet BUT IS THAT REALLY YOU??? How many times have you seen impersonators to specific accounts? Probably quite a few and these accounts can tarnish a persons name and or cause drama in the community. Let's say that you are a school student and you receive a message from a person with your friends name. That might not be them and they can start beef with you. The next day at school you confront that person after spreading this drama with other people and it turns out that wasn't your friend. What if you told him private stuff? Who has that info now? You may never know. It is also easy to "hack" into your friends account and send messages. You never know who's behind that keyboard. Overall the idea of anonymous was a stupid one and the cons heavily outweigh the pros.

The challenge with online dating is that someone can say anything to lure you in- whether it’s true or not, and may not necessarily be the person in the photos that they posted. You can be virtually anyone online by typing up some clever lines and grabbing some good looking pix to upload. This statement from a blog by Kathy Marlor supports the point of anonymousness on the internet, it is very harmful since people can use the things you say or send against you. It is easy for ANYONE to create a fake profile and get what they want out of you and could potentially ruin your life.

2. Making Memories

The internet has strongly consumed our time and has been taking away our touch of socializing person to person face to face. If you look around you everyday, how many people do you see just sitting brainless on their phones when instead they can be interacting with others? I'd say a good third of the people that I see everyday sit on their phones constantly rather than chatting or doing activities with their friends. Don't you want to go out and make the most of your life rather than seeing how many likes you can get on a lousy picture? I believe that people should instead of sitting at home on the internet, should call up a pal and head out. You'll most likely experience more things that way. When you're in your elderly years don't you want some memories that you made with your friends by socializing outside and together IN PERSON since you can't make as many unique stories by sitting at home. Your grandchildren will hate your stories if you don't go out and spend time communicating with friends. To end this segment, live the moment rather than living in solitude with your only companion being the internet.

"Technology is a massive aid to communication," he told me, "but if it takes away regular face-to-face or direct conversations, then you lose something of the softer edges." This was said by Sir Victor, the former chairman of Lloyds TSB in an article by BBC . This article supports my thoughts on this situation, we are losing that personal connection with eachother and share less memories due to being stuck behind a computer screen.

3. Confidence

When on the internet you feel extremely safe and virtually untouchable whether you insult people or attempt to make relations with people. You may know someone online, you may feel as if you can say anything to them on there but in reality you are probably very awkward around that person. I remember that I used to chat with one girl on facebook everyday for a couple of months. When we got to school we very rarely talked and when we did it wasn't much. For our chat on facebook, we typically said the same stuff or even just completely random stuff making absolutely no sense. I felt like I could say anything there though to that specific person and I'm assuming she felt the same. When it comes to communication, especially if it is important it should be done in person. Would you feel more respect for someone if they came up to you and asked you a question in person rather than in virtual reality? Probably and this helps improve relations between people since they have the confidence and the integrity to talk to you.

Basically what I'm trying to say that the internet is harming human communication and we as a society should focus on socializing IN PERSON rather than sitting behind a keyboard.

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