Friday 16 December 2016

Lack of Communication

The evolution of human communication

Nowadays, our communication is mostly done by internet. We use internet to connect with each other, to share our life, and to talk. Then, is the internet leading us to the evolution of human communication  in positive ways? NO, absolutely not. Even though the internet has led us to the convenience of human communication, the internet has stolen two vital things from our life, which are communication itself and relationship with others.

Lack of communication

As technology and the internet have developed, people don't have much communication as they did before the creation of the internet. Even within a family, the internet and social media causes lack of communication. As written on Forbes, Sharon Seline's mom didn't know how her daughter was feeling even though she continually contacted her daughter. According to the article, Sharon sent her mother that she is fine, and she even sent an emoticon showing big smile and hearts. However, on that night when they exchanged the messages, Sharon attempted suicide. Her mother had no idea of how depressed her daughter is, which is completely different from what her SNS - like Facebook, and Twitter - posts show.
It demonstrates that even though we are communicating with each others through social media and the internet, we are lacking communication and the communication through internet is incomplete. The internet and social media cannot convey our emotion fully. We can't know others' feeling by just texting. We can miss many things about others when we just see what they are presenting on their SNS. Since posts on social media cannot represent someone, we should have more time to communicate in person.

Lack of relationship

From Envatomarket
However, in the world of internet, people find more fun than reality - where they meet their real friends, and families. People spend more time on web surfing and SNS. It leads to the lack of communication and make people not to communicate with others as much as they should.

I've experienced this a lot. I did not use any SNS and barely used the internet until grade 9. Every time when I met my friends, I couldn't talk with my friends as much as I wanted since they were all using their phone to check messages and see SNS and the internet. I urged them to talk more rather than looking at their smartphone, but it didn't work even though they were my closest friends. Since I did not use internet as much as them, what I could do was just staring at them who were looking at their phones. This is not a good thing to experience and I know the feeling of being in ignorance because of the internet.

Also it can lead to a lose of ability to work with others. Stacey Irwin, who is an associate professor in Millersville University, says in her speech (Tedx) that she is worried about her students' ability to work with others. She claims that 'students don't have much experience' of communicating face to face. Students have lost their ability to communicate in person since internet and social media are invented. She talks about how the internet and technology has ruined our communication and relationship with others.


In conclusion, I want to talk about our future of human communication. We need to fix these problems and live a better life. This is what I think it is a solution.
Yes! We can use our technology and we also have to use our face-to-face communication.

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