Monday 28 November 2016

sliding into your DM's


It is defined as "a means of connection between people or places".
So the question is, is the internet leading to the evolution of human communication in positive ways?

"These touch screens can make us lose touch."


The creation and development of the internet has really allowed for the evolution of human communication. With all the new social media platforms and apps like Skype and Facetime, it is possible to communicate with anyone in the world.

Like many others, I have friends in various places in the country and even on the other side of the world. Through the internet, it has allowed us to communicate with these people -- but what about the people around us?

As time goes on, people are losing connection with those around them. Sadly, I even notice this in myself. 

When I used to hang out with friends during elementary, I remember all of us talking, laughing, and actually doing things with each other. Nowadays when I get together with friends, it mostly consists of us talking briefly then going on our phones and just staring at the screen. Then when its time for us to say goodbye, we realize that we didn't do anything. We did exactly what we would've done if we were alone in our rooms (it's pretty sad if you ask me)

Just as Prince Ea says in the video, "while we may have big friend lists, so many of us are friendless all alone". This "social-network" isn't making us any more social. 


Many people see the internet as this beautiful place full of knowledge, and wonders but there is so much in it that isn't so pretty.

The creation of the internet has allowed users to put on a mask and anonymity has enabled people to say whatever they want without having to face the consequences. They can go around saying every hurtful thing in the world, and hide behind a computer screen wearing this mask that cannot be removed. 

The internet has allowed bullies to now become face-less. They can attack whomever they wish, and no one will ever know. 

Not only that, it has allowed negativity to spread so fast. With a couple taps of the screen, that screenshot can be sent to people all over the world for everyone to see. This is exactly what happened to Amanda Todd back in 2012. 

This poem by Shane Koyczan talks about these internet "trolls" and compares it to the trolls we all read about in story books as children. We were taught that they were just mythical and that they didn't exists, but the internet has allowed now them to exist.

Although the internet can be a wonderful place, I don't think that it is leading the evolution of human communication in a positive way. 

I mean, how can it be improving human communication if it is keeping us away from humanity?

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