Tuesday 13 December 2016


According to my perspective (as a "pro" internet user), I think that the internet is leading us to a whole new stage of communication. If you have a choice between driving for an hour just to see your old friend or using Skype and save on those gas money, which one would you choose? I would sure choose the second one (mainly because I can't drive... yet). Unless you are a car racer and likes driving, I'm sure that almost everyone will choose to open the computer. It is just so much easier that way, the time you'd take to turn on the car engine, you could already be talking to your friends!

But there is always another side to this. Say you are going through a breakup, would you rather have your boy friend emailing you about wanting to breakup or talking to him/her face to face? Sometimes communicating through internet just lacks the sincerity that human contact brings. The crucial point of the internet largely depends on the situations you've encountered; the level of communicating via internet varies upon situations so it might not be as useful under specific scenarios.  But it is also a cost we (as the user of internet) are willing to pay for a faster, cheaper and more efficient way to communicate.

Just like I said previously, I think that the internet is bringing mankind closer to the evolution of communication, as a matter of fact, I think that we are at the peak of evolution due to how rapidly the technology is developing. The pros definitely outweighs the cons that internet communication brings. Though sometimes the vast amount of access that internet provides can be undervalued by many users as it is in their life so much to an extent that they feel numb to their surroundings. So it is our responsibility to appreciate and maintain our awareness around communicating via internet (think how many people have been mugged... or trafficked through something as simple as a chat room on Facebook without them actually noticing the "signs") the amount of risk on here is also something to think about.

1 comment:

  1. I like the comparison that you used with the driving for an hour and skype. This is an issue in the world today that we are too lazy or too cheap to communicate in real life. I also like how you focused on one specific form of social media being skype. Great Job Danny.
